



「日本の美術全国選抜作家展」大賞受賞、柴山哲治賞受賞、「~夢と未来を紡ぐ~ ALBION AWARDS」金賞受賞、三菱商事アート・ゲート・プログラム参加、チャリティーオークション他多数受賞入選し、国内や海外展に参加している。2023年頃からは自身の絵とAIを組み合わせてYouTubeでも発表をしている。

Takamitsu Kayoko
Born in Tokyo. Paints mainly oil portraits of people with a fantasy world view.
Since around 2007, She has been working on the theme of psychological and material distance between people, and feeling that her theme has ended with the pandemic of 2020, she has been working on the theme of “dreams,” which she interprets as a greater sense of distance. Dreams” include visions, daydreams, and imagination.
She has won the Grand Prize at the “Artists Exhibition in Japan,” the Tetsuji Shibayama Award, the Gold Prize at the “Weaving Dreams and Futures – ALBION AWARDS,” participated in the Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program, won numerous awards and prizes at charity auctions, and participated in other exhibitions in Japan and abroad. She has also been presenting her works on YouTube by combining her drawings and AI since around 2023.